Who is Nasir Elrufa'i

About Nasir Elrufai:
"I recognized his weaknesses; the worst being his inability to be loyal to anybody or any issue for long, but only to Nasir El - Rufai".                          

"I have heard of how he viciously savaged the reputation of his uncle, a man who was like his foster father".                                                              

"Character wise, Nasir has not much going for him".                                                                          

"My vivid recollection of him is his penchant for lying, for unfair embellishment of stories and his inability to sustain loyalty for long".           

"I believe that he can still be used in public service under guidance and sufficient oversight, making allowance for the psychology of his petit size".                                    

"He was described as a malicious liar. He was more than that; he is a pathological purveyor of untruths and half - truths with little or no regard for integrity".    

~ Page110 of 'MY WATCH' by Obasanjo.


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